Rejuve Medical

How Ultherapy Treatment Differs from Fraxel Laser Treatment

The FDA-approved Ultherapy treatment is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that tightens and tones skin to give you fresher, younger-looking skin. Its popularity has grown for many reasons, two of them being its effectiveness and convenience.

There is, however, another widely used FDA-approved procedure called Fraxel laser that, like Ultherapy treatment, improves the appearance of your skin. While both procedures have proven effective in countering the effects of aging, it’s important to know that Ultherapy and Fraxel aren’t the same. To emphasize this point, we’ve listed down the key differences between the two.

Method employed

Ultherapy treatment uses high-intensity ultrasound to target the deep dermal layer, or the tissue just below the skin’s surface. The energy stimulates collagen production, causing the skin to become firmer and smoother.

In contrast, Fraxel treats the upper dermal layer and the outermost skin layer, or epidermis. Spot by spot, the laser targets and creates tiny holes in fractions of skin. This reinvigorates collagen production to heal damaged areas of the skin faster.

What they treat

Ultherapy treatment is great at tightening and toning the skin on the eyebrow, chin, neck, or décolletage (chest) area to reduce sagging and wrinkles. It is the only energy device that has been FDA approved for the lifting of the eyebrows and the skin in the jawline, chin, neck, and chest. Ultherapy before and after photos are enough evidence for this. While Ultherapy can also give the skin a smoother look, however, its focus on the dermal layer doesn’t allow it to drastically enhance the skin’s external appearance or texture.

On the other hand, Fraxel improves the skin’s external appearance and texture. It treats skin conditions such as sun/age spots, acne scarring, large pores, and melasma. It can also shrink pores and reduce wrinkles around the eyes (also known as crow’s feet).

Recovery period

Ultherapy has no recovery time. Post-treatment, any minor swelling, redness, or bruising fades away quickly. You can resume regular activities, work, or even strenuous exercise immediately after Ultherapy treatment.

Fraxel has a recovery period of around 3 days, during which you’ll need to avoid regular activities and work. Post-treatment, your skin could experience some redness, swelling, and the feeling of being mildly sunburned.

Duration of effects

Both Ultherapy and Fraxel produce effects that can last a year though for some patients Ulthera can last 2 years. To achieve full results, however, only one Ultherapy session is usually required, whereas you might need up to 4 Fraxel sessions.

Depending on the patient’s concerns, there are situations that one would consider doing both since they do address different layers and concerns. This patient would have sun spots, mild acne scars, larger pores, and have sagging skin in the face and chin.

Considering undergoing Ultherapy treatment? Feel free to browse our website’s Ultherapy section, where you’ll find more information on the treatment, as well as Ultherapy before and after images, that might help you determine if this is the correct procedure for you. Once you’ve made your decision, please call (408) 740-5320 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tang.