Age Spots and Sun Spots
Rejuvé in the San Jose Bay Area CA offers state-of-the-art technology that not only rejuvenates and renews the skin, but also removes age spots (sometimes known as sun spots or freckles)and treats broken capillaries, using the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) from Lumecca, which is considered the gold standard in light-based technology. It was FDA approved in 2013 and involves a process called photorejuvenation where a light beam targets the brown and red pigments causing them to heat up. This heating known as photothermolysis eventually breaks up the pigment in the skin, causing the brown spots to flake off and the capillaries to shrink.
This non-invasive treatment can be customized according to the patients’ preferences, skin color, and skin condition.
The benefits of photo rejuvenation are many as it helps to smooth fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen, even skin complexion, and treats acne. Besides treating broken capillaries and sun spots/age spots, this treatment is used to improve skin texture and tone, reduces redness from Acne Rosacea, and can help to slightly improve pore size.
Photorejuvenation is non-invasive, has no systemic side effects, and involves no radiation. It requires 3-4 full-face treatments at 2-3 week intervals. The face, neck, back, chest, arms, legs, and hands can be treated. Though ideal for younger patients, all patients who show signs of aging could benefit as there is natural and gradual improvement with minimal to no downtime.
Photorejuvenation is a well-tolerated procedure. Most patients do not require any anesthesia. Photorejuvenation does not cause any discomfort later. Patients going through this process can expect minimal to no redness and swelling for 1-2 days, and blisters rarely occur. Age spots or sun spots will become darker, surface, and flake off in approximately 1 week, and the blood vessels will lighten.
Though almost everyone who desires can go through the magical transformation of IPL and its unique photo rejuvenation process, it’s not for everyone. People with an active skin disease or infection, very dark skin, an active tan, and/or unrealistic expectations cannot have IPL. Those who have incorrect clinical indications including deep scars or severe skin laxity will not see benefits from IPL.
IPL™ and laser applications are used in IPL Skin Treatments using photorejuvenation for treating superficial and deeper leg veins, vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, and hair removal.
These vascular lesions include conditions such as hemangiomas, spider angiomas, port wine stains, redness from broken capillaries, and Acne Rosacea. Also, other chronic problems such as Poikiloderma, leg and facial telangiectasia, telangiectatic matting, spider and reticular veins, and pigmentation problems in the form of dyschromia, lentigines, hyperpigmentation, Café au lait macules, and Ephelides can also be treated.
During your complimentary consultation at Rejuvé in Saratoga near the San Jose Bay Area, Dr. John Tang or Alexandra Tang, RN will personalize a treatment plan for you to treat the dark age spots near me with all of the latest technological advancements. If you are a candidate for the IPL photofacial, we will provide you an estimate on the number of treatments and the cost and discuss the overall expectations. If your skin is too dark for the IPL, we may discuss other options like the chemical peel called the ViPeel to help the age spots or Cosmelan which is a bleaching system that helps fade the spots/hyperpigmentation. Please contact us here or call us at 408-740-5320. We proudly perform the IPL photofacial laser and other treatments like chemical peels and ViPeel in the communities of Los Gatos, Saratoga, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and the greater areas of Santa Cruz, Salinas, Monterey, and the San Francisco Bay Area CA.