Rejuve Medical

Laser-Assisted Skin Resurfacing

DOT Laser Therapy with the DEKA SmartXide DOT CO2 laser offers the ultimate in laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation – in about 30 minutes for most treatments. DOTs Therapy is ideal for the treatment of sun damage, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity/texture and acne scars. Not only does the DOT laser treatment offer amazing results, but it does so safely and quickly with less discomfort compared to other laser CO2 devices.

The benefits of DOT Laser Therapy are:

  •  Customizable Smartxide DOT laser treatment
  • Minimally invasive
  • Quick Procedure
  • Accurate Results
  • More comfort compared to other laser CO2 devices
  • Low-risk
  • Rapid healing
  • Renewed skin
  • Treatment of multiple issues at once
  • Usually requires 1-2 CO2 laser treatments

What Will DOT Laser Therapy Do for me?
If you have spent years in the sun, especially without adequate sun protection, then you know what it can do to your skin. Wrinkles, skin discoloration, sun spots, and skin laxity may be reduced or eliminated with DOTs Therapy. Also, if you have scars from acne or other skin injuries, then you may also be a candidate for this CO2 laser procedure. Now, using DOT Laser Therapy, an innovative, new laser CO2 technology, less than 30 minutes in your doctor’s office may restore your skin’s youthful appearance. While the aging process cannot be stopped, with proper care you can maintain your rejuvenated skin’s appearance for many years!

What makes Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy different?
DOTs Therapy is made by an Italian company that is a pioneer and leader in the world of CO² laser resurfacing treatments. Before DOT, many patients endured long, often painful laser resurfacing procedures with lengthy recoveries to achieve skin rejuvenation. Historically, many procedures involved vaporizing an entire layer and surface of the skin, resulting in significant downtime, discomfort, and prolonged redness. In addition, old CO² laser procedures could not treat non-facial areas like the neck and décolletage easily because skin in these areas did not heal as well as the skin on the face.

So how is Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy different or better? The DOTs therapy utilizes a ‘dot’ pattern to create thousands of microscopic perforations in the skin while leaving the areas around each ‘dot’ intact. This fractional laser allows for the skin to heal more quickly from the edge of these tiny ‘dots.’ The overall laser skin rejuvenation procedure is safer, faster and more efficient. Doctors also have more control, allowing them to customize laser CO2 treatments specific to the patient, and even modify treatment during the dots therapy procedure for various skin challenges or problem areas.

What does Laser Skin Rejuvenation DOT Therapy Improve?

  • Reverse the appearance of aged and sun damaged skin
  • Improve skin texture and firmness
  • Smooth wrinkles and lines
  • Decreases age spots and sun spots
  • Reduce the appearance of acne scars, actinic keratosis and other scars
  • Renew your skin
  • Tighten skin in the face, neck, chest, abdomen, arms, legs

What is DOT Therapy?
DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) is a fresh new way to transform skin and enhance its overall appearance. DOT Therapy can reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and minimize acne scars. Because DOT Laser Therapy delivers the desired outcome with less downtime, it is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin resurfacing as the treatment of choice for mild to moderate signs of photo damage.

How does Laser DOT Therapy work?
DOT Laser Therapy is setting a new standard for skin rejuvenation in fractional laser resurfacing. After applying a strong topical numbing cream, Dr. Tang will apply a pattern of tiny scanned pulses of laser energy to your skin with a controlled laser. The dots therapy procedure is customized to your skin, your current problems, and by the amount of downtime that can be afforded, by Dr. Tang. Adjustments can be made throughout the DOT CO2 laser procedure to more accurately treat specific areas such as acne scars on the cheeks or fine lines around the mouth.

The DOT Therapy laser precisely creates thousands of microscopic holes (DOTs) in your skin that induce immediate skin tightening and stimulate new collagen growth. Patients are often amazed at how tight their skin feels immediately after the laser skin rejuvenation procedure. DOTs Therapy is designed to improve the skin’s texture and tone and fight fine lines, deep wrinkles, and acne scars.

Unlike other laser resurfacing technologies, DOT CO2 Laser Therapy leaves islands of healthy tissue surrounding the microscopic DOTs. This enables your skin to heal more rapidly and minimizes overall damage.

Is DOT Therapy Safe?
DOT Therapy was FDA approved in 2010.

DOT Therapy is safer than traditional laser resurfacing treatments. Because sedation is not required, the patient is only exposed to a topical anesthetic. Injections and sedation are not necessary with dot therapy. Because DOT CO2 laser treatment offers the doctor so much control and customization, patients are treated faster and more precisely. Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy leaves the skin around each perforation or ‘dot’ intact, which allows for rapid healing and improved complexion. The footprint that the DOT leaves is not as deep as traditional laser CO2 procedures, which often causes painful damage and bruising. Because the Smartxide DOT laser therapy creates a shallower, wider pattern, it promotes rapid healing. DOT is minimally invasive and extremely safe, while still delivering excellent results.

Am I a good candidate for Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy?
Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy can be performed safely for patients who have light skin with signs of aging skin. Patients who have dark skin including African Americans, some Asians, some Hispanics, and others who have similar skin tone typically are not good candidates because they can get hyperpigmentation (darkened skin), hypopigmentation (lose pigment permanently), or scars. To see if you are the right candidate, please call our office to make an appointment today to see if Smartxide DOT Laser Therapy is right for you.

What is the Deka DOT Therapy Laser procedure like?
Prior to the procedure, a strong topical anesthetic will be applied on your skin to make the procedure more comfortable during the treatment. Intravenous sedation is not required. As you lie comfortably in the doctor’s chair, your skin is immediately renewed by DOT Therapy. Dr. Tang or Alexandra Tang, RN will move the laser around the treatment area, utilizing customized settings. After the laser skin rejuvenation procedure, your skin will redden and feel warm; similar to a sunburn. The next day there will be more redness and a certain level of swelling. The redness and swelling will continue for a few days. By day three or four, you will experience some peeling as new, younger looking skin appears. In most cases, your skin will return to its normal appearance in about seven to ten days. For some patients, PRP (platelet rich plasma) is applied to help with healing and to enhance the end-result by stimulating more collagen. During the recovery period, you will apply a hydrating lotion to keep your skin moist and promote healing. In most cases, women may resume applying makeup after about five days.

How long does the CO2 Laser procedure take?
In most cases, DOTs Therapy can be performed to the entire face within twenty minutes. Smaller areas take less time.

How many Laser CO2 Treatments are required with Laser DOT Therapy?
In most cases, excellent results can be achieved in a single laser skin rejuvenation session. However, persons with severe wrinkling or deep acne scars may benefit from either a second or third laser treatment spaced 2-3 months apart. During consultation with Dr. Tang, the number of Smartxide DOT Laser treatments and the expectations will be discussed beforehand.

What precautions do I need to take after the DOTs Therapy procedure to maintain my results?
Basic skin care, thorough cleaning and sun protection are the keys to ensuring your dots therapy results endure. Wear sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure whenever possible, but especially in the weeks following treatment.  For patients who want to maintain the results, Dr. Tang will recommend some medical grade skincare regimen that is personalized for your skin and goals.

How much does SmartXide DOT Therapy cost?
We at Rejuvé consider every patient with the personal care that you deserve. For information regarding the cost of treatment, feel free to send us an email using the form on the contact us page of our website. Rest assured that we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How can I find the best laser resurfacing treatment near me?
At Rejuvé.  We have been recognized as one of the top clinics in the Bay Area CA. We are centrally located in the heart of the San Jose Bay Area.  We have patients coming from all over the Bay Area including San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Palo Alto, Freemont, Livermore, Salinas, Gilroy, etc.  We are more than happy to do phone appointments or Zoom appointments if that makes it easier.

Why do the DOT Therapy Laser CO2 at Rejuvé?
Dr. Tang is a board-certified, Stanford trained physician who has been performing DOT CO2 Laser Therapy and other lasers safely and effectively since 2010. He has seen remarkable results from the right patients. Dr. Tang will listen to your concerns and goals, and will help determine whether you are the right candidate. He will spend the time necessary to go over the Smartxide DOT Laser procedure and answer your questions. Over the years, he has treated thousands of patients with lasers both locally in Saratoga, Los Gatos, Cupertino, Campbell, Mountain View, and Los Altos, as well as all over the San Jose Bay Area and rest of California. Dr. Tang and his staff welcomes you.