Non-Surgical Nose Job
Rhinoplasty continues to be one of the top 5 cosmetic procedures done for both men and women, but there are new alternatives to this traditional procedure in the form of a non-surgical nose job. In San Jose, CA, and other states of the West coast, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons report that 57,598 people underwent rhinoplasty in 2013. That’s around 26% of the 221,000 cases of nose reshaping done nationwide.
If you’re content with your nose, you probably never give it a second thought. But if your nose makes you feel uncomfortable about your appearance, there’s a good chance it’s on your mind all the time. You might feel that it’s the first thing people see when they meet you, or worse, that it’s what people notice about you. The nose is one of the most prominent features of the face, and for people who are unhappy with its appearance, the nose can be a major impediment to having a positive self-image.
Most people believe that the only way to alter the nose is traditional rhinoplasty, a.k.a. the “nose job.” Plenty of surgeons offer rhinoplasty in San Jose and the Bay Area, CA but there are many reasons even those who are deeply unhappy with their noses are hesitant to undergo the procedure.
One, it is a fairly intensive and invasive procedure, requiring either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Two, it’s expensive — the procedure alone, not even counting anesthesia, the surgeon’s fee, or hospital costs, runs thousands of dollars. In the case of elective rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons, insurance will not help foot the bill. (That said, rhinoplasty as a corrective surgery for breathing issues or a deviated septum may be covered — and in these cases, it is the primary option.)
Working with such a major component of your facial appearance, you need to be sure you’re in the hands of a capable cosmetic surgeon: A nose that looks unnatural or doesn’t suit your face isn’t really an improvement. Revisional surgeries are costly and don’t guarantee that you’ll get the results you want (think of aging celebrities whose noses seem to constantly shrink). Last, rhinoplasty involves a substantial amount of recovery and downtime. In addition to the hospital stay itself, you’ll be looking at weeks of swelling, potentially up to a year before your nose finally settles into its new shape.
Traditional rhinoplasty in the San Jose Bay Area is a major commitment, and you have to wonder — is there an alternative? If you aren’t trying to relieve a medical problem or correct a substantial deformity, rhinoplasty feels like too much trouble, but then again, feeling constantly unhappy with your appearance is hardly ideal.
Fortunately, for the correction of small nasal irregularities, a non-surgical nose job in the San Jose Bay Area is now an option. Here’s how it works: FDA-approved, injectable dermal fillers like Restylane, or Radiesse can be used off-label to subtly improve and camouflage nose problems such as depressions, humps, or bumps. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a quick, in-office procedure that causes minimal discomfort. You’ll see results instantaneously, and your new look can last up to 12-24 months. Fillers also have the benefit of directly treating deformities without disrupting adjacent areas or the overall structure of the face. Depending on what results you are hoping for, Dr. Tang will help determine which dermal filler will work best for you.
Injectable fillers are also a good option for patients who have undergone a traditional rhinoplasty but are unsatisfied with the results. Repeated rhinoplasty procedures can weaken the nasal structure, making your nose susceptible to injury. Instead of taking a surgical approach to revisional rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty can be used to correct small deformities or irregularities. In patients with a low nasal bridge or a flat nose bridge, the dermal filler can be used to create a natural bridge which complements the nose and face.

Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty is:
- Less invasive: No anesthesia is necessary, and no hospitalization is required. You don’t even need a bandage! You can leave the clinic and get right back to your life. Though there may be minor bruising or redness, this can be covered with makeup and you can be on your way.
- Less expensive: Though it’s also not covered by insurance, the total costs for non-surgical rhinoplasty are less than for plastic surgery.
- Easier to fine-tune and correct: Dr. Tang can make delicate, specific improvements. Also, since you’ll be awake for the procedure, you can give feedback immediately to make sure you’re happy with your results. If you find you aren’t happy with your new look, the fillers can actually be dissolved immediately via an enzyme injection of vitrease (hyaluronidase). If it’s past that time, the results still aren’t permanent — your body will break down and absorb the fillers over time.
- Quicker to show results: You can see your new nose within days, if not hours, rather than waiting for up to a year. You won’t have to wait for “refinement” as with traditional rhinoplasty, and if you want to revise the changes, you won’t have to resort to additional surgery — just a second round of injections.
Even though non-surgical rhinoplasty is much less of a commitment than traditional rhinoplasty, you’ll still want to be sure you work with a nose MD expert/San Jose rhinoplasty physician like Dr. Tang. To achieve the most attractive, natural-looking results, you need a cosmetic surgeon who has extensive experience with facial injectables and dermal fillers, a strong understanding of facial structures and anatomy, and an excellent sense of aesthetics.
Though it is less invasive than traditional rhinoplasty surgery, non-surgical rhinoplasty is not entirely risk-free. Possible side effects can include bruising, swelling, redness, and vascular occlusion. You may feel some discomfort, but that discomfort can be minimized or taken away with a local topical cream. More intense side effects, including injury, infection, and skin irregularities are rare. Before you undergo a non-surgical rhinoplasty, Dr. Tang will talk with you to answer all of your questions and address your concerns. Last, these dermal fillers aren’t permanent. To maintain your results you will need to return for touch-up treatments.
If you’re considering San Jose Bay Area rhinoplasty, contact Rejuvé and set up a consultation with Dr. Tang. Dr. Tang provides a non-surgical nose job in San Jose Bay Area, as well as for patients in the greater Bay Area like San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Palo Alto, Los Altos, Salinas and the East Bay including Walnut Creek, Danville, and Pleasanton and the local communities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, and Cupertino. Non-surgical rhinoplasty could get you the results you want without the downtime! To learn more, call Rejuvé today at 408-740-5320.