Rejuve Medical

Turn Your Frown into a Smile with Botox Injections

As we age, the body goes through different changes, and most of these are reflected upon our physical appearance. One of the most common signs of aging is skin laxity or the loss of skin elasticity, which is most apparent on the face. This is where Botox injections may become helpful. Usually, Botox is associated with wrinkles and fine lines, but there are other issues that this type of treatment can address—issues generally related to the natural aging process.

When you look in the mirror, have you noticed how your eyebrows or upper eyelids seem droopy? You may have also noticed that the sides of your mouth now appear droopy. These drooping issues make you look as if you’re frowning all the time. For mild droopy eyebrows and upper eyelids or a mild case of drooping on the sides of the mouth, Botox injections can properly address these without making you look as if you had any cosmetic procedure done.

Your doctor will inject precise, carefully controlled amounts into the target areas to give you a natural-looking lift. Botox injections may be administered above the eyebrows or at the end of the brow line as well as on the sides of the mouth to correct your specific drooping issues.

The good news is that when you come in for a Botox treatment, the doctor can address your facial wrinkles and fine lines as well, making the treatment sort of an all-in-one procedure. Results may last anywhere from three to six months. If you wish to maintain your youthful glow, you may consult your doctor for another round of injections once the effects have worn off. The amount to be injected for the next round of treatment is usually lower than your initial dose.

When you’re ready to say goodbye to your frown, schedule an appointment with Dr. Tang. You may reach us through (408) 740-5320.