Rejuve Medical

SculpSure: Fast Fat Reduction for a Fast Lifestyle

While there are many clinics that promise quick fat-reduction procedures and fast recovery for them, there are few treatments that match the speed and convenience of SculpSure. This treatment, which Rejuvé Medical has pioneered in the Bay Area, offers the prospect of a quick, effective treatment with very little to no downtime, making it ideal for individuals who prefer being up and about all the time. Here are a few reasons SculpSure is a fast and convenient fat-reduction treatment.

Quick Treatment Time

SculpSure uses precise and accurate laser technology to target only those areas which need fat reduction. Because it covers only a small area of your skin, the preparation time is very short, and the procedure itself takes only half an hour or so, depending on the size of the coverage area. Many individuals require one to three treatment SculpSure sessions to get the results they want, which means fewer follow-up visits to Dr Tang and his staff.

Short Recovery Time

Some procedures require massaging or kneading to restore circulation and sensation to treated areas. SculpSure is not one of them. In fact, there is no downtime involved when you choose SculpSure. You can go on a lunch break, drop by the clinic, have the procedure done, and go back to work right away!

No Bruising

Have you ever gotten fat reduction treatment that resulted in bruising? If so, you would’ve felt the need to apply make-up to the bruise or to change into clothes that cover the bruised area. Fortunately, SculpSure does not result in bruising; it leaves no unsightly marks. You can come in and out of the clinic wearing the clothes of your choice, and no one will get the idea that you had something done.

Rejuvé Medical offers SculpSure treatment to individuals who are always on their feet. If would like to know if SculpSure is ideal for you, contact us for a consultation at (408) 740-5320.