Rejuve Medical

Laser Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting: Lose Unwanted Fat Deposits

Among all the areas in the body that store stubborn fat, women may feel most conscious about their tummy or abdomen if they have a muffintop. In such cases, women may feel desperate to fix their image, thinking laser liposuction is their best way to lose weight. However, this is far from the truth as there are other fat reduction treatments available like CoolSculpting, which offers even more benefits.

Which is Better?

Both laser liposuction and CoolSculpting aim to eliminate fat without the downtime that comes with traditional liposuction and other surgical interventions, but they go about this in different ways. In fact, these two treatments take on such contrasting approaches in the sense that laser liposuction melts fat while CoolSculpting freezes fat. What makes CoolSculpting better though is that, as a breakthrough technique, it has the benefit of utilizing the latest in fat reduction technologies, thereby posing fewer health risks to patients.

Additionally, while both treatments are considered to be minimally invasive procedures, CoolSculpting is in fact non invasive. This is because with laser liposuction, the insertion of a cannula in your abdomen requires making several incisions to get rid of the fat and because of this leads to scars and some downtime.Using the latest freezing technologies CoolSculpting is able to penetrate the skin’s many layers to reach the desired fat level and in the end results in permanent fat cell destruction without scars or downtime. Now, that’s a non invasive no downtime procedure! You have a more natural option in losing fat with this revolutionary procedure.

CoolSculpting Fat Reduction Treatment

One requirement to CoolSculpting however is that patients should be within 1 to 20 pounds of their ideal weight. If you’re not yet a candidate for CoolSculpting because of this, you may set a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Tang and ask for medical advice on how to lose those extra pounds and get CoolSculpting treatment thereafter. Rather than opting for laser liposuction from the get go, you may find that you can actually achieve the body you want with a strict diet, regular exercise, and CoolSculpting as a finishing touch for those stubborn fat deposits that just won’t go away.

Contact us at (408) 740-5320 today!