Rejuve Medical

Get the perfect, sexy curves with SculpSure body contouring

Sometimes, even if the most perfect dress fits, you feel like it doesn’t suit you. Maybe it’s that leftover love handles. Maybe it’s your baby weight after your pregnancy. For one thing, you might feel crushed, because you feel like you’re not looking your best even with that sexy dress you bought. Instead of over-exercising and putting yourself in harm’s way, sometimes the best way to look great is just a 25-minute treatment, much like SculpSure body contouring.

A new, noninvasive way of shaping your body to its most desirable, SculpSure body contouring allows you to reach those “unreachable” areas of the body that just won’t get trimmed down even if you exercise hard enough or have a balanced diet. SculpSure body contouring induces natural lipolysis through heat. This means that the fat gets burned in very safe levels during the process.

Firstly, it targets the fat cells under the skin using laser energy. It doesn’t pierce through your skin as it’s noninvasive. It only applies the heat directly onto that area, raising the temperature of the fat cells and damaging their structural integrity. Throughout continuous treatments over the three months or less, depending on your Doctor’s recommendations, these damaged, stubborn fat cells are processed and eliminated. Those cells are permanently destroyed and removed and therefore won’t regenerate.

SculpSure body contouring is completely safe. It is an FDA-cleared device, meaning the Federal Government has approved its usage to the general public. After the series of 25-minute treatments, you’ll see the results by as fast as one-and-a-half months up to three months. Of course, not every treatment will be the same for one person. We’re all people of different body types, shapes, sizes, genders. However, your doctor will most likely give you the treatment plan that fully suits your lifestyle and needs.

SculpSure body contouring can be used in a myriad of body parts. You can use it to reduce the fat under the chin—there’s a specific treatment for that. You can use it to burn the fats in your belly, maybe take care of your love handles, too, while in treatment. Say goodbye to your paunch, that excess fat on your upper pubic area. Say hello to a well-sculpted legs, waist, and chin with Sculpsure body contouring.

If you think SculpSure body contouring is the best way for your fat to just go away, then you should find the nearest, legitimate, and official SculpSure provider near your area. And if you live near the San Jose, Bay Area California, maybe it’s time you go and visit Rejuve Medical. This California-based cosmetic clinic-cum-lifestyle center offers a wide variety of body-shaping services, including SculpSure. Visit their website at and book a consultation to learn what treatments best fits your body and lifestyle.