Rejuve Medical

How to Prepare for Botox Treatment

Contrary to popular opinion, getting Botox involves more than simply booking an appointment and showing up. It is a medical procedure, and just like any other procedure, one needs to prepare for it to avoid any side effects.

That being said, those who have the following conditions are not advised to go through Botox treatment:

Pregnancy. The effects of botulinum toxin on babies is not yet well documented, so it is advisable to forego Botox injections until after childbirth.

Cold sores. Viral infections around the mouth might spread after a Botox treatment, so the doctor might prescribe an anti-viral medication prior to the procedure.

Issues with blood clotting. If the patient’s blood takes a long time to clot, he or she runs the risk of bruising after Botox.

Muscle weakness. There have been reports of people who have experienced diminished control over their facial muscles after receiving Botox injections. Pre-existing conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lambert-Eaton syndrome, or myasthenia gravis might be worsened after the procedure.

If the Botox recipient does not fall under one of the above categories, the following pre-treatment measures are suggested:

Discontinue medicines that make blood less likely to clot. These include aspirin, Plavix, ibuprofen, aleve, motrin, Naprosyn, Daypro, Excedrin, Saint John’s Wort, Omega-3, vitamin E, garlic, ginkgo biloba, and ginseng. If a painkiller is required, acetaminophen such as Tylenol is highly recommended.

Avoid alcoholic beverages or eating garlic for at least three days before the procedure. Alcohol and garlic have the same effect of thinning the blood and increasing the risk of bruising.

Take Arnica Montana. This herbal supplement has been associated with reduced bruising after Botox treatment, but is not recommended for those with pre-existing blood and heart conditions.

Arrive at the treatment center early. Ask if the dermatologist could apply numbing cream or topical anesthesia before the first injection, as it will make the whole experience more enjoyable..

When performed by a cosmetic surgeon, a Botox treatment can improve not just a person’s appearance, but his or her self-image as well. Contact Rejuve Medical at (408) 740-5320 for more information about Botox and other rejuvenating procedures.