Rejuve Medical

Get Rid of “Saddlebags” with Laser Liposuction

Contrary to some people’s preconceived notions about cosmetic procedures, laser liposuction is actually a safe and effective treatment for improving the shape and silhouette of your body. If you’re having difficulty losing the extra weight around your thighs, laser lipo can get rid of it with only minimal downtime.

As women get older, fat deposits can accumulate in select areas of their body and stubbornly stay there. Otherwise referred to as saddlebags, these fatty deposits around the thighs may also cause discomfort, rashes, and irritation when thighs rub against each other. Despite eating healthy food and exercising their way into a slimmer and sexier figure, not everyone can successfully eliminate saddlebags, which makes laser liposuction quite convenient.

This type of liposuction has been approved by the FDA as a means of liquefying fat cells while stimulating the body’s natural collagen production. Think of it as a two-in-one minimally-invasive procedure that can help you fit into your favorite pair of jeans again. The collagen synthesis that occurs during treatment can also create a more balanced skin texture.

Designed as a one-time session that can remove fat cells for good, you may also try laser liposuction for other body areas—such as the hips, breasts, and back—that aren’t viable for traditional liposuction methods.

For any concerns about the treatment, such as possible health complications or side-effects, please do not hesitate to bring them up during your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Tang. He can assess whether you’d be a good candidate, how much circumference reduction can be achieved around your thighs, and even recommend a combination of therapies to attain the best results possible for your saddlebags.

To schedule an appointment for laser liposuction with Dr. Tang, contact us today at (408) 740-5320; we’d be glad to hear from you.