Rejuve Medical

Top 4 Common Misconceptions About Ultherapy Results

If there’s one thing Dr. John Tang, MD wants patients to know about Ultherapy results, it’s this: results vary from person to person, and it will take time for optimal results to manifest. Ultimately, both men and women who have undergone the procedure at Rejuvé are happy with the outcome.

Understandably, people who haven’t received treatment will want to find out what to expect from the procedure, particularly, whether or not they will be happy with their Ultherapy results. Unfortunately, there are common misconceptions surrounding results from this FDA-cleared, advanced laser-assisted skin tightening treatment.

Below are corresponding answers to a few of these misconceptions to debunk the myths once and for all:

1. Ultherapy will make your face look sunken and older

There have been claims that Ultherapy results will make your face look old and sunken. This has occurred in rare situations because the treatment was done incorrectly by technicians who were improperly trained on how to do the procedure. This occurs when the ultrasound energy is directed too deep striking the fat layer below the skin causing some of the fat cells to be lost. However, Ultherapy has a wonderful technology that allows the provider to see exactly the depths of the ski and which layers are going to be treated so that the ultrasonic waves should always be directed to the deep layers of the skin vs the fat layer. When this occurs then the treatment provides a nice uplift to the skin and great re-texturing the skin and improved collagen stimulation. The big difference is the training and the experience in using the device and understanding the device and the technology.

2. Ultherapy results are the same for everyone

First off, each patient’s needs are unique, which means the treatment plan is customized for each one. That said, results from your Ultherapy skin tightening treatment will be different from that of another patient’s, as Dr. Tang mentioned above. Expecting the same results as that of another is actually one of the most frustrating things that doctors and aestheticians hear from a patient during initial consultation.

3. You achieve better Ultherapy results with more shots

Another point of frustration for licensed and experienced doctors performing Ultherapy on patients is their request for more ultrasound shots because they “heard somewhere” that the more shots you get, the better the results you will achieve.

Again, each patient’s needs are different and their facial anatomy is uniquely their own, which means their Ultherapy sessions should be customized accordingly. In general, the number of shots you receive are dependent on the extent of the skin laxity to be addressed as well as the size of the target area.

4. Ultherapy results are short-lived

A lot of people think that results from this particular skin tightening treatment last six months, at most. The truth is, optimal results aren’t achieved after only a few weeks. Best results manifest approximately between 60 and 90 days post-treatment, and these results can last up to 12-24 months. Results depend on your collagen production, too, your body’s unique aging process, and your home skin care regimen.

Ultimately, the best Ultherapy results are achieved through a combination of several factors: your body’s collagen production and aging process, customized treatment according to your needs and goals, the doctor performing the procedure, and the customized home skin regimen with medical grade skin products.

If you wish to consult a licensed physician to find out if you’re eligible for Ultherapy, please feel free to call Rejuvé at (408) 740-5320 to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Tang. Rejuvé is proud to serve the San Jose Bay Area CA and the surrounding cities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Milipitas, Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Scott’s Valley, Santa Cruz, and Monterrey County areas..