Rejuve Medical

SculpSure Fat Melting Treatment: 3 Belly Fat-busting Myths

People who lead an active lifestyle, are healthy, and just a few pounds short of their ideal weight are the perfect candidates for the revolutionary, non-invasive SculpSure fat melting treatment. SculpSure targets those stubborn fats found around the belly area, flanks, back, and inner and outer thighs. Patients are especially particular about eliminating stubborn fats in their midsection.

Belly fat-busting myths

For a lot of people, belly fat is the one thing that they want to get rid of no matter what because its prominence robs them of their self-confidence, especially when picking out clothes to wear for a special occasion. Why does all their hard work never seem to pay off? Chances are, it’s because they’ve been following one of these belly fat-busting myths:

1. Switching to whole grains helps you lose stubborn belly fat

Does including whole grains in your diet help you lose belly fat? Actually, there is some truth to this as studies revealed. Whole grains did help mobilize stored fats in participants who had whole grains compared to those who had refined carbs. However, researchers concluded that switching to whole grains alone won’t make you lose belly fat; instead, switch to a healthy, low-calorie diet that includes whole grain foods to eliminate < em > some of those stubborn fats.

2. Crunches will eliminate those fats for good

This one is actually a myth. Crunches, or even sit-ups, won’t get rid of belly fat in obese or overweight people. Much like how SculpSure fat melting treatment isn’t designed for people who are obese or overweight, these belly exercises aren’t recommended for the same if their intention is to get rid of belly fat. For these exercises to actually work, you need to be at or within your ideal, healthy weight.

3. The more intense the exercise, the better it is for losing belly fat

In general, intense workouts help reduce body fat; however, if you are targeting belly fat, harder workouts don’t automatically translate to losing stubborn belly fat. Again, exercises and activities won’t work if you are dealing with too much excess weight. Studies show that light exercises like walking can already help reduce belly fat.

As you can see, there are factors to consider when trying to lose stubborn belly fat. If you are within your ideal weight, you go to it the personal way through exercise and low-calorie diet or you can go at it the “assisted” way through such non-invasive procedures like SculpSure fat melting treatment.

To consult a licensed doctor for SculpSure fat melting treatment, please feel free to call Rejuvé at (408) 740-5320 to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Tang. Rejuvé is proud to serve the San Jose Bay Area CA and the surrounding communities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, and Boulder Creek.