Rejuve Medical

SculpSure and Lipo: Better Together?

Like liposuction, SculpSure is used to target subcutaneous fat, or fat that’s trapped under the skin. The similarities end there, though – SculpSure is a medical procedure that uses a laser to deliver heat to layers of fat under the skin. Thus, it is non-invasive, pain-free, and risk-free. Rejuve Medical uses specialized applicators to pinpoint problem areas, heat up fatty tissues, and make them unviable, allowing your body to flush them out naturally after a few weeks.

Many people have come to our clinic asking if SculpSure can take the place of liposuction when it comes to removing fat. They also ask if they can go through SculpSure to correct their existing lipo. While we consider these questions on a case-to-case basis, the treatment is generally safe for those who have had liposuction performed on their bodies in the past. There are a few things we have to note before we give the go-ahead for SculpSure.

Target Location of the SculpSure

Because it is completely non-invasive, SculpSure can be done on any body part that has not yet been touched by a knife. There is no risk of infection. During the procedure, you might feel a bit of focused heat on your skin, but we use cooling plates to keep your skin temperature at a comfortable level. SculpSure can be used as a complement to liposuction in that it can be used to reduce fat in smaller areas of the body where surgery is hard to justify.

Type of Body Fat

SculpSure works only at the subcutaneous level; that is, it works only on the layer of fat that lies directly beneath the skin. If your previous lipo did away with that layer and you are dealing with visceral fat, or fat that is far below the skin, SculpSure will, unfortunately, be unable to fix it.

At Rejuve Medical, Dr Tang and his staff assess every case and determine the best procedure for each. If you’d like to know if SculpSure could help improve your body shape, give us a call at (408) 740-5320.