Rejuve Medical

SculpSure Helps Busy Professionals Lose Weight Between Meetings

With SculpSure, you don’t need to take time away from your busy day to shed some extra weight.

When you’re fighting your way up the corporate ladder, it can be difficult to take time away from work to look after your appearance. Yet losing those extra pounds can make you feel literally and figuratively lighter, boost your self, image, and help give you the confidence you need to close that deal or nail that presentation.

Below are a few fast facts to show you how SculpSure can take away your fat without taking too much of your valuable time:

Fewer Pre-procedure Appointments

Other treatments require several meetings with a doctor and surgeon before hand to talk about medical procedures, aesthetics, the risks, and post-operative care. These may stretch out over weeks. For SculpSure, all you have to do is call in advance to make an appointment, which can be done on the same day as the procedure.

Quick and Easy Procedure

Invasive procedures can take anywhere from three to seven hours on the operating table. They involve anesthesia and carefully planned and executed incisions.

For SculpSure, it’s just a matter of choosing the right plastic frame for optimum use with your body shape. Then a cooling gel is applied, and you are left with the machine on for a total of 25 minutes.

No Downtime Afterwards

While other procedures involve incisions and resulting bruising, SculpSure is a laser-assisted procedure that targets fat cells underneath the skin. Since it’s non-invasive and your body takes care of removing the targeted fat cells after, then there’s really nothing to recover from.

You can even have the procedure done over your lunch break and go straight back to the office to finish out your day afterwards.

Rejuvé Medical offers a range of non-invasive treatments to individuals who are always on the go. If would like to know which one is ideal for you, Contact Us for a consultation at (408) 740-5320.