Rejuve Medical

SculpSure Fat Reduction Treatment for Love Handles

Stubborn fat on the sides or flanks are more commonly referred to as “love handles.” While they may appear on both men and women, it’s the men who seem to suffer most from them. SculpSure is the latest technological advancement in non-invasive treatments for fat reduction on the belly area, flanks, thighs, and arms. It is a laser-assisted body contouring treatment that targets stubborn fats on these areas.

Why do men accumulate more fat on the lower sides of the torso compared to women?

Health and fitness experts point out the reason: men have more fat cells in this region compared to women. When fat enters the body and is converted into triglycerides (the storage state of fats), they go straight to the fat cells for storage. With more of these fat cells on the sides of the torso, this is the area they go to first.

Men who wish to get rid of these stubborn fats the faster and easier way can opt to undergo a SculpSure fat reduction procedure. Each session takes about 25 minutes. Applicators are attached to the flanks upon which laser heat is directed underneath the skin to damage and kill the fat cells. Over time, the body will naturally eliminate these fat cells. Visible results appear about six weeks after the SculpSure treatment, while optimal results appear 12 weeks after.

Depending on the amount of fat to be removed, patients may only need one SculpSure treatment. If more sessions are needed, the next treatment is usually scheduled 12 weeks after the initial procedure. Your doctor will tell you if more sessions are necessary for the amount of fat you want removed.

When you’re ready to say goodbye to your love handles for good, schedule an appointment with Dr. Tang for your initial SculpSure consultation. You may reach us through (408) 740-5320.