Rejuve Medical

SculpSure: 4 Things to Expect After Treatment by Dr. Tang

Few things are more discouraging than the failure to get rid of fatty bulges despite regular exercise and a proper diet. Thankfully, modern technology has given rise to effective fat reduction treatments such as SculpSure.

SculpSure is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses heat to treat areas of the body where stubborn fat often accumulates, such as the upper and lower abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thigh, arms, back, and chin.

SculpSure is FDA-approved, meaning it’s as safe as it is effective. But what, exactly, should you expect after undergoing the treatment? How long does recovery take? Are there any side effects? How quickly will the results become observable? Read on to discover the answers to these questions.

1. Little to no side effects

Many patients who undergo SculpSure experience no side effects.

However, those who do only experience minor side effects such as tenderness, mild redness, and slight swelling or firmness in the treated areas. Almost all patients do not need to take any medications or do anything as it resolves in a few days on its own.

2. No recovery period

While it’s recommended that you get a few minutes of rest after undergoing SculpSure, you should be able to resume your regular routines and go back to work as soon as you’re done with the treatment. It’s even a good idea to exercise immediately after the procedure, as this will aid your body in the breaking down of fatty tissue in the target areas.

3. Post-treatment massage

Unlike other procedures, SculpSure doesn’t require the patient to massage the target areas after treatment, as they will heal normally on their own. With that said, massaging these areas lightly for a few minutes twice daily can speed up the healing process.

4. Quick, lasting results

You’ll start to enjoy the results of your SculpSure around 6 weeks after treatment. Optimal results are attained in 12 weeks. Expect a 20 to 25% reduction in fat volume in the treated areas per SculpSure session. While some people achieve desired results with a single treatment, you may require additional sessions depending on your goals.

Because SculpSure destroys unwanted fat, the results described above are permanent. To maintain your new, slimmer look, however, regular exercise and a proper diet are necessary.

Getting the sexy body you’ve been dreaming about is no longer impossible with SculpSure. If you have any questions about the treatment or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tang, please feel free to call our Rejuvé clinic at (408) 740-5320. Rejuve is proud to serve the San Jose Bay Area CA and the communities of Los Gatos, Saratoga, Campbell, and Cupertino.