Rejuve Medical

Liposuction and Laser Liposuction: Are You a Good Candidate for Either?

To the general public, the word “liposuction” brings images of scars, sagging skin, and long recovery times. This is particularly true for traditional liposuction in which fat is sucked out in its current state by an apparatus called a cannula. A newer method called laser liposuction uses the same techniques, but uses a laser to loosen and gradually liquefy fat-containing tissue. It also stimulates the production of collagen, which makes your skin elastic.


Laser liposuction is particularly helpful for areas that are not normally covered by clothing. This is especially applicable to procedures such as neck liposuction after which scars, stretch marks, and sagging skin are often visible and could cause discomfort. Studies have shown that compared to those who go through traditional liposuction, laser liposuction patients report more elasticity in their skin in the first three months after going through the procedure.


However, you need to meet certain criteria to be considered for laser liposuction. First, you should not be morbidly obese; that is, you are more than 20% above the ideal weight for your height and age. Liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment; rather, it is an aesthetic medical procedure. Second, your medical history should not reflect any disorders related to blood clotting and the healing of wounds, such as hemophilia, diabetes, and lupus.


Your cardiovascular system should also be in good condition. Liposuction in any form is not recommended for those with heart conditions or uncontrolled hypertension, asthmatics, smokers, drug users, or alcoholics, as the reduced blood flow could also hamper the healing of wounds left from the procedure. It is also advisable for pregnant women to wait a few months after delivery before considering laser liposuction, especially if they deliver via C-section. Old age is also a factor as the reduced level of collagen in the skin could result in sagging.


RejuveMedical has years of expertise in laser liposuction for a variety of body parts. To know more about how RejuveMedical can help sculpt your body into great shape, contact us at (408) 740-5320.