Rejuve Medical

Ideal Candidates for SculpSure

The SculpSure technique is one of the newest ways to reduce fatty deposits around the midsection and flanks. As it is non-invasive, it is generally considered safe and does not leave any visible scars or marks.

As with all medical procedures, however, SculpSure works best with a certain type of individual. While it is recommended for overweight people, it is most effective with individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or lower. If you have a higher BMI or are dealing with clinical obesity, you do not stand to benefit much from the procedure and are advised to look at other methods of weight loss and fat reduction.

When dealing with fat reduction, you also have to consider that there are two kinds of fat stored in the body. The first type is subcutaneous fat, which is more visible due to its location directly beneath the skin. The other, called visceral fat, is stored inside the body, around the organs. SculpSure works only with subcutaneous fat. This is because the laser generated by the device penetrates only a shallow layer of tissue and generates just enough heat energy. The laser will not have any effect on any fat stored deeper than skin level. Therefore, if your doctor determines that your fat storage is mostly visceral in nature, he or she might recommend another course of action.

Lastly, because SculpSure, in essence, works by damaging fat tissues, you might not be a good candidate for the procedure if you have open sores, scars, or infections in or around the proposed treatment area. In fact, if you have previously had liposuction in the said area, SculpSure might not be the best option for you.

Before deciding to go through SculpSure, we recommend that you consult with Dr. Tang to determine if you are a good candidate. Feel free to call us at (408) 740-5320 to schedule an appointment.