Rejuve Medical

Get Your Pre-pregnancy Body Back with SculpSure

For a lot of women, getting back their pre-pregnancy body can be quite a challenge, especially since most of their time is spent caring for the new baby. With very little time on their hands—if any at all—to take care of their own needs, new moms just don’t have the strength or will to exercise and stay fit. With SculpSure however, new moms can finally shed off those extra pounds without worry.

Three distinct factors stand out with this type of fat reduction treatment: it’s non-invasive, can be completed within 30 minutes, and requires no downtime.

Keeping all these three factors in mind, SculpSure is the ideal solution for new moms who barely have the time to spare for themselves. They can come in to get the treatment, and be out of the clinic within no more than an hour (including pre-treatment preparation). Plus, the “no downtime” factor means moms can immediately go back to caring for their new bundle of joy without feeling any pain or discomfort. Simply put, the treatment requires no recovery period!

So how does this treatment work?

SculpSure eliminates fats around the midsection and other target areas by melting these with a laser and allowing the body to naturally dispose of them. You can see visible results six weeks after treatment, but optimal results are achieved 12 weeks post-treatment.

SculpSure is the only laser-assisted non-surgical fat reduction procedure cleared by the FDA so it’s safe to use even on new moms. The best part is that the eliminated fats will not return. They are permanently removed from your body!

Before you can begin with the procedure, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with Dr. Tang for initial consultation. He can discuss with you in full detail what the procedure is and how it can help you get back into your pre-pregnancy shape. Please call Rejuvé at (408) 740-5320 at your convenience.