Rejuve Medical

Freezing fat cells: What makes CoolSculpting the ideal body contouring treatment?

You’ve shed your weight to a healthier amount after an intense regimen of exercise and a healthy diet. You’ve achieved your ideal body figure: healthy, sporty—fit, in all sense of the word. But then you find something excessive on your tummy. Instead of it being firm or tight, it was bulging because of a pocket of fat, and no other exercise or two can trim it down. Here’s an idea: freezing fat cells. A method of body contouring, CoolSculpting involves freezing fat cells and letting them be processed by the body afterward. This reduces the fat pockets targeted by the CoolSculpting device as there are fewer fat cells in that area, giving you a more trimmed musculature.

There are a lot of body contouring treatment procedures available at the market, but what makes freezing fat cells via CoolSculpting the ideal method to shape your body to the finest? Here are some reasons to give you an idea.

1. No surgical incision required.

Body contouring treatments needn’t be surgical. Freezing fat cells through CoolSculpting requires no surgeries, no needles, no incisions or what have you to reduce the fat in areas you want to contour. You also don’t have to be sedated or anesthetized before your procedure. This means you can get back to your day afterward after the treatments without much issues.

2. It’s a low-risk procedure.

Non-invasive procedures don’t have many caveats. As such, freezing fat cells is typically a low-risk procedure unless you have a medical condition that disallows lower body temperatures. You won’t get any kind of infection in doing the treatment as nothing penetrated through your skin, only the temperature changes.

3. More than one part can be treated.

Since there’s minimal to no pain involved in the procedure, more than one part of the body can be treated with CoolSculpting. This means that you can have fat pockets reduced by freezing fat cells in the abdomen, saddlebags, inner thighs, under the chin, flanks, love handles, upper arms, or bra fat in one session.

4. Boosts self-esteem.

Once you see the changes, no matter how small or big they are, they will surely improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. You can wear whatever—a shirt, a gown, or what have you—without unseemly curves and the like. You can feel like a younger person again, with curves and angles in all the right places.

Freezing fat cells through Coolsculpting is only one of the many non-invasive cosmetic procedures Rejuve Medical provides. Rejuve Medical is an experienced team that has been awarded the Coolsculpting 1000 award, which only a small number of clinics in the US have received. They not only provide such treatments but also emphasize improving one’s self-esteem. Become a more beautiful version of you with an additional self-confidence. Visit their website at to learn more.