Rejuve Medical

What to Expect from Ultherapy Eyebrow to Neck Treatment

Whether you’ve had Ultherapy on a targeted area before, or you’re the type of person to just dive right in and get multiple treatments in one session, we’ve put together a little primer on what you can expect from a complete Ultherapy treatment for the eyebrows, face, chin, and neck in one session.

Not all the skin in our body is the same. We can tell just by pinching ourselves that the skin on the back of our hands is thinner than the skin in our legs. The same is true at a more precise degree for the face and neck. This is important for Ultherapy treatment because the ultrasound-based technology is designed to target the deep layers of tissue beneath the surface of the skin.

Typically, an Ultherapy device will have four different transducers that target a different depth for different skin thickness levels. For instance, the mouth and eye area are treated with the 1.5mm transducer while areas with thicker skin like the cheeks and neck are typically treated with the 3.0 or 4.5mm transducer.

Because Ultherapy uses ultrasound waves, it provides an imaging picture that allows Dr. Tang to precisely deliver the sound waves into the right layers of skin to optimize the effects of lifting and skin tightening.

As a rule of thumb, the transducers that penetrate deeper into the skin cause greater discomfort. Therefore, if you’ve only experienced Ultherapy on thinner areas of the face, it may be a good idea to consider anti-inflammatory medication this time.

Afterwards, recovery should be around the same. Swelling and redness should subside after a day.

Contact us to learn more.