Rejuve Medical

Dr. Tang: Help Your Sculpsure Results by Doing These 7 Things

Sculpsure offers a safe alternative for people with image goals seeking the elimination of hard-to-treat unwanted body fat. Specifically, the procedure employs a diode laser to break down the kind of fat that won’t go away even with a dedicated diet and exercise, making it one of the most effective fat reduction techniques around.

It only gets better. Sculpsure is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure, so you won’t have to worry about the trauma of going under the knife. Each session lasts only 25 minutes, and in just one sitting, a 24% reduction in fat cells can be achieved in areas subjected to treatment. Optimal results become evident in 12 weeks.

To optimize the procedure’s effect, however, extra measures should be taken post-treatment. Here are some tips that will help attain the best results.

1. Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water is vital especially for people who have just gone through SculpSure. This is because the body flushes out dead fat cells with the help of water. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily is advised.

2. Massage treatment areas

After your Sculpsure procedure, spend between 5 and 10 minutes twice daily to gently massage the treated areas. Continue doing this till your next appointment, or for 12 weeks in case, only a single session is required.

3. Be physically active

Cardio and aerobic activities, such as walking or jogging, allow optimum Sculpsure results to manifest sooner. Exercise helps the fat cells eliminated by the procedure to move through the lymphatic system, where they are processed for eventual ejection out of the body.

4. Use a cold compress

Some patients experience minor swelling or tenderness in the treatment areas following the Sculpsure procedure. You can soothe these symptoms by applying a cold compress to said areas. Alternatively, you can take a pain reliever such as acetaminophen.

5. Use skin creams

Following your SculpSure session, apply creams designed for skin-tightening, as they can improve skin retraction around the treatment areas. Skin products that contain growth factors, peptides, and Retin A can stimulate collagen growth and improve skin texture.

6. Metabolize fat cells

Liver supplements, or food rich in antioxidants, help the body metabolize fat cells. Take such antioxidants as soon as your SculpSure session is complete.

7. Expel toxins

You can take vitamin supplements that help to improve the efficiency of the liver so that the liver can metabolize the fat and the surrounding toxins better. Ingredients like N-Acetylcysteine, Milk thistle, Turmeric, ginger, green tea, beetroot, dandelion, selenium, zinc, and B-vitamins activate enzymes in phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification pathways that allow for the liver process the fat and expel toxins better so your results are better.

Dr. Tang suggests taking the above measures immediately post-treatment, not only because they can help you achieve the best Sculpsure results, but because they’re habits for healthy living, as well.

Would you like to know more about SculpSure? Kindly contact our Rejuvé clinic at (408) 740-5320 if you have any questions; we’d be happy to hear from you! Rejuvé is proud to serve the San Jose Bay Area CA and the communities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Mountain View, and Scotts Valley.