Rejuve Medical

5 Myths about Ultherapy® – What You Need to Know About Non-Surgical Facelifts

Ultherapy® is a cosmetic treatment designed to lift, tighten, and firm the skin of the face, neck, and chest without surgical intervention. The process involves the use of targeted heat energy to stimulate collagen production. There are no incisions or injections, and no anesthesia is required. The majority of cases require no recovery time post-procedure.

However, there are numerous myths circulating social media about Ultherapy® — here are a few of the most common.

Myth: Ultherapy® is so painful that many patients can’t even finish a single procedure.

Fact: Ultherapy®, properly performed, is no more uncomfortable than any spa facial treatment. Ultherapy® practitioners are highly trained and skilled in the application process, and they recognize that there are simple yet effective measures that can lessen discomfort significantly. If you’ve had an Ultherapy® treatment that was highly painful, then you probably had it performed by someone without the proper credentials and expertise.

Myth: Ultherapy® results are only temporary, and the procedure must be performed every few months to be effective.

Fact: Ultherapy® is a collagen-boosting process that offers long-term positive outcomes. The treatments yield highly natural-appearing results for several months post-procedure, with most patients noticing improvements only two weeks after the initial process. It is advisable to undergo follow-up treatments every one or two years, but Ultherapy® is unique in that it is the only non-invasive skin-tightening treatment that offers results that can last up to three years.

Myth: The results are the same regardless of who performs Ultherapy®.

Fact: The skill of the clinician performing Ultherapy® treatments is critical to achieving the best possible experience and results. Always seek a medical professional – preferably a physician – who is profoundly familiar with the complexity of facial anatomy if you wish to have Ultherapy® performed.

Myth: You should look for the lowest price when seeking Ultherapy® treatments.

Fact: You get what you pay for, and when it comes to cosmetic treatments it certainly does not pay to go with the lowest bidder. Look for a practitioner with in-depth experience using Ultherapy® technology, who is highly credentialed, and who specializes in surgical and minimally invasive treatments of the head, face, and neck.

Myth: Ultherapy® gives the same results as a surgical facelift.

Fact: Ultherapy® does not correct issues addressed by surgical facelifts. Surgical facelifts remove severely sagging skin that cannot be tightened using minimally invasive techniques; Ultherapy® offers a “lift” to patients who are beginning to notice the appearance of jowls and slight drooping. The best candidates for Ultherapy® are:

  • Patients who want to correct premature aging before the signs become irreversible.
  • Patients who have previously had surgical facelifts and would like a non-invasive treatment to maintain long-term results.
  • Patients who cannot undergo a surgical procedure for medical reasons.
  • Patients who prefer non-surgical cosmetic treatments with no or very little recovery time.

Ultimately, it is best to have a comprehensive consultation with a skilled Ultherapy® practitioner to see if the treatment is right for you.